Local Church Helping Afghan Refuges

The following is from the church:

Cedar Falls Christian Church is holding a clothes drive for the Afghan refugees placed at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin.  Sizes  NEW CLOTHES and near new clothes are being collected through Sunday, October 3, 2021 between the hours of 12:00 Noon to 6:00 PM daily.  Financial donations will also be accepted.  All community members are urged to assist in meeting the urgent clothing needs of Afghan refugees.  Clothing needed ares: Shirts, Pants, Underwear, Socks, Shoes, Jackets & Coats for:  Babies, Toddlers, Children, Pre-teen, Women & Men (sizes small through large only) & Men’s belts sizes 32-38
Due to military restrictions, only NEW CLOTHING can be delivered quickly to the refugees.  Near new clothing is acceptable, but takes much longer to be processed and provided to the refugees.
NOTE:  Due to the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, approximately 8,700 Afghans have been placed at Ft. McCoy in Wisconsin.  Many arrived with only the clothes they were wearing.  There are adults and children who “have nothing” according to our contact at Fort McCoy.  The Red Cross does not provide clothing, and the need is urgent as the weather gets cooler.
Questions should be directed to:  Leslie Farley at 319-404-0735 (cell) – or –  [email protected](email address)