97% of Caucus Results In

More results from Monday’s Democratic Caucus have been released. 97% of precincts are now reporting. Statewide Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders are virtually tied with both receiving 26% of delegates, next is Elizabeth Warren with 18%, Joe Biden with 16%, and Amy Klobuchar with 12%. The only other candidate to get any percentage was Andrew Yang who got 1%. In Bremer County Buttigieg did very well bringing in 33% of the delegates, Warren was second with 21%, Sanders came in 5th with just 9% of the delegates. In Butler County Sanders took top spot with 24% of the delegates, Biden was second with 20% and Buttigieg came third with 18%. Black Hawk County saw Sanders also finish first there with 31% of the delegates, Buttigieg was second with 22%, and Biden and Warren both received 17%.