Gallagher Pleads Guilty in Time Card Scheme

The former Recreation Superintendent at the Cedar Valley Sportsplex has pleaded to stealing money in a time card scheme, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 52 year old Mark Gallagher pleaded guilty to one count of second degree Theft on Tuesday. He admitted to stealing more than $7,000 from the city between January of last year and February of this year. Specifically, he admitted to submitting false time cards for two employees and kept money from a basketball tournament and an after hours soccer program. Gallagher, who had an annual salary of more than $92,000, was placed on administrative leave in February and resigned soon thereafter. He also left his position as Waterloo Columbus Head Baseball Coach. He was arrested in May. As part of the plea deal, prosecutors will recommend probation, a fine of more than $1,000 and restitution. Gallagher is eligible to argue for a deferred judgment. He’ll be sentenced in October.