“Most Wanted” Sex Offender Caught

One of the “most wanted” people according to the Iowa Sex Offender Registry was taken into custody near LaPorte City early Tuesday morning. LaPorte City Police were called to the scene of a truck in a ditch. Police say that the man inside the truck was slow to react but finally did unlock the door. Once outside he began walking to a nearby fence with his hands in his pockets. The officer drew his weapon. The man then hopped the fence and began to run. He then pulled out a lighter and attempted to light a cigarette. He told the officer he didn’t know who he was. He also said he did not know where he was or how he got there. The man was identified as 43 year old Johnny Gardner. He was wanted in Scott County for a Sex Offender Registration Violation. The truck also was stolen out of Muscatine County. Gardner was convicted of Indecent Contact with an 8 year old girl in 2009.