Waverly Restaurant Responds to Reporting of Health Inspection

The following is a statement from the owners of Sasquatch Jacks issued on Facebook as a comment to a news story about the restaurant’s health code violations:

The Sasquatch family would like to address a recent article shared by local “news” outlets without accurate results of the inspection. Yes, we recently had our yearly health inspection completed by the Black Hawk County Dept. of Inspections and Appeals. The hard working, and understaffed people at BHC have been our allies through the years as they are, or should be, to every restaurant. Ten issues were noted on the Initial report. As the original article stated as well as the inspections official website- Inspections are a “snapshot” of the day and time of the inspection. At the time of the inspection violations are recorded, and often corrected on the spot, prior to the inspector leaving the facility. Ours were all corrected immediately, and our ongoing training was modified to reflect the highlighted areas that needed improvement. After the corrections were made, we were issued a Final report three days later stating our compliance and approval with no impact to business or the community. This is a perfect example of why regulations are necessary and important, while the number may have been shocking to some it is a true learning experience for us and our staff on expectations that will be met going forward. As the owners we take full responsibility for our wins and our losses.

Context & Sources are important. We are not at all diminishing the fact that the number of violations were high, but to state that they were critically detrimental alluding to possible closure is completely inaccurate. We corrected our mistakes, learned from them and would never jeopardize the community. Unfortunately, falsehoods and misrepresentations have become commonplace in today’s modern media landscape. If you or anyone are concerned about the food safety standards at Sasquatch Jacks, I urge you to go directly to the source and contact the health department https://iowa.safefoodinspection.com/…/PublicInspectionS….

The full report is also available online for the public to view, as well as posted at the restaurant. For those of you that do not know us, we are happy to answer any questions you may have, those who do know us, you know that already ?

There’s an old saying that opening a small business is like raising a child; sometimes they give you more joy than you ever thought possible, and sometimes they break your heart. Through the years we’ve had our ups and downs, triumphs and defeats, a pandemic, and 10% inflation; suffice it to say, it’s been a wild roller coaster of a ride. We have always strived to undersell and over deliver fresh flavorful food in a warm and fun environment. We’ve been fortunate to have an amazing staff that has stayed intact for the most part through our entire journey. My wife and I have been so thankful to have these honorary extended family members by our side through all of it.

We are a part of this community. We live here, we employ members from this community and surrounding areas, are proud supporters of our fellow small businesses and give back to the community any way we can. We hope to remain one of the places you can always call home and will continue to strive for excellence. Thank you to all our local business partners and customers that reached out in support. Keep on Believn’

#friendsofjacks #IBelieve


Jesse & Chelsi Armstrong

Owners/Sasquatch Jacks