Waterloo Woman Arrested for Familial Theft

A Waterloo woman has been arrested after allegedly taking money from her mother and depriving her siblings of money they would have inherited, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 54 year old Latonia Cosby was charged with first degree Theft on Wednesday. Her mother, Oneida Cosby, won a significant lawsuit against Canadian National Railway in 2018. She encountered a parked train blocking her path back to her apartment from the store in 2017. When she began climbing through the cars to get to the other side, the train lurched forward, severing one leg and heavily damaging the other. The settlement was finalized in 2021. Latonia Cosby had power of attorney for her mother and removed $133,000 from their joint account in February of 2022. Oneida Cosby would die just days later. She had no will and left behind just $900. Authorities interviewed Latonia about the money. She claimed she gave the money to family members but could not provide details. She left the state following that interview. The Iowa Department of Human Services has filed a claim on the estate seeking $174,000 in reimbursement for the state medical assistance program.