Clarksville Man Going to Prison

A former Clarksville man who was given probation for a 2014 drunk driving crash that killed two teens has now been sentenced to prison after being caught driving drunk again, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 27 year old Trevor Feauto, now of Waterloo, crashed his pickup into a Chevy Impala on a rural road near Breda in the early morning hours of August 23rd of 2014. Feauto actually had the right of way but had a blood alcohol level of .133, which is over the legal limit. Two 16 year olds, Bailey Jacobsen and Lindsey Quirk both of Wall Lake were killed in the crash. They too had been drinking. Feauto was sentenced to five years of probation and restitution and ordered to talk to high schoolers about the consequences of drunk driving. Then, on July 12th of last year Feauto was pulled over in Evansdale for speeding and a defective taillight around 1:30am. His blood alcohol level was measured at .224, significantly over the legal limit to drive. He has been sentenced to two years in prison with credit for time served. He has also been ordered to be placed in an impaired driving residential program and his driving privileges have been revoked for a year.