Waterloo Christian Buys CF High for $2.8 Million

Waterloo Christian School will purchase the now former Cedar Falls High School building, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. The $2.8 million sale was approved at the Cedar Falls School Board Meeting on Monday night. There was opposition of the sale to a private organization but ultimately only one board member voted ‘no’. Ryan Hall, who is the head of Waterloo Christian School, spoke in favor of the sale, saying his students have been putting on productions on a makeshift stage, running track in parking lots, and always playing away games because they do not have the facilities to play home games. Hall may have been referring to the brand new football team, which does not have a home field. Waterloo Christian does play home games in basketball and volleyball. Waterloo Christian’s bid for the school beat out a $2.1 million bid from a South Carolina company that intended to turn the school into a child care center. Nearly every metro school is somewhere in the process of moving in to or building a new high school. The lone outlier is Waterloo Columbus.