Burglar Left Blood Trail for Police to Follow

Waterloo Police have arrested a burglar after following a trail of blood, they left behind, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 18 year old Isaiah Ricketts allegedly threw a rock through a window of a home on Thursday night. Police say he then cut his hand as he climbed through the window. The homeowner then came home catching Ricketts in the act. Ricketts fumbled his gun as he tried to escape but was able to recover the firearm. When police arrived on scene they found a trail of blood that led to a nearby convenience store. Video showed Ricketts getting into a Chevrolet Blazer. That vehicle was traced back to one of his family members. That family member reported that Ricketts had called them and said someone was shooting at him and he needed a ride. Ricketts was charged with second degree Burglary, Carrying Weapons, and Assault While Participating in a Felony.