CF Man Gets Prison for Shooting Man Who Punched Him

A Cedar Falls man has been sentenced to prison time for shooting a man who punched him, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 32 year old Will Young Jr. was standing outside The Saloon on West Fourth Street in Waterloo around closing time on November 8th, 2020. Joseph Ayala approached Young and punched him before he began to fight with Young’s brother. Young then pulled out a gun and shot Ayala in the thigh and hip. At trial, Young argued that he acted in self defense, noting that Ayala is a former mixed martial arts fighter. Prosecutors countered this by showing that Young fired while Ayala was on the ground with Young’s brother standing over him. Young was convicted of Willful Injury Causing Serious Injury and Intimidation With a Weapon. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He will be eligible for parole after five years.