Chief of Police Candidates

According to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier two people in the running to be Waterloo’s next police chief outlined how they would run the city’s force Tuesday night.

Candidates Corbin Payne, a lieutenant and longtime Waterloo Police Department veteran and Wartburg College graduate, and Joel Fitzgerald, who has headed several police departments in Texas and Pennsylvania, outlined their law enforcement credentials and leadership philosophies to a crowd at the Waterloo Center for the Arts.

During the presentation, Payne took on his own past, addressing a 2016 off-duty encounter with a motorist that left him charged with misdemeanor assault and a loss of rank.

Payne was ultimately acquitted of the charges by a jury, and an administrative law judge later reversed the demotion.

Fitzgerald was chief of the Fort Worth, Texas, police department until May, when he was fired following a dispute with the president of the state’s police union.