Citizens Police Academy

The Waverly Police Department is now accepting applications for the 11th Annual Citizen’s Police Academy. The Citizen’s Academy is a 10 week program aimed at familiarizing the public with common police procedures, activities, and investigative techniques. Classes are held every Thursday night from 6:00-9:00 p.m. from February 15th to April 18th at the Law Enforcement Center. There is no charge for the class but space is limited. The class also requires participants to complete three hours of ride-along time with an officer. In order to qualify for the class one must be 21 years of age, live or work in Waverly, have no prior felony convictions, no misdemeanor arrests within one year of applying, must be able to attend all or most weekly training sessions, and must submit to a criminal background check. Applications can be found on the police website or physically at the police department. You can find more information on the Waverly Police Department Facebook page.