Cleaning Lady Arrested

A cleaning lady from Waterloo with a history of stealing from her clients has been arrested along with her roommate, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 49 year old Sarah Jones was hired to clean the home of an elderly woman in Hudson. On October 31st a neighbor noticed evidence of forced entry at the woman’s home. Moments later Jones’ roommate, 35 year old Jerry Reed, came out of the home. Other neighbors reported seeing Jones leave previously with bags of items. When the woman’s relatives arrived they told police that Jones’ employment had ended a month prior and she should not have been at the house. After reviewing the woman’s finances, relatives found that numerous checks had been made out to Jones for $100 to $200 and cashed. Police believe Reed helped Jones alter some checks, for instance, changing an $85 check to $185. Jones was arrested in January for running a similar scheme in Cedar Falls. In that case she was also given a credit card to purchase $70 of groceries for her client but actually made $500 worth of purchases. In November of 2023 she allegedly cashed checks she had taken from another home she had cleaned.