Farm Bill Advances

The House of Representatives narrowly approved a massive, five-year farm bill Thursday, a little more than a month after conservatives helped tank the bill out of frustration over a separate fight on immigration. The vote was 213-211. After weeks of negotiations resulting in an agreement on two immigration votes, which are also taking place this week, the House made another attempt at passage. This time enough Republicans were on board to pass the farm bill, as it was already clear Democrats would roundly reject it. The vast majority of the bill’s funding addresses food stamps, more formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The agriculture committee reformed the program to add more work and training requirements for those who receive benefits — the main reason why Democrats opposed the measure. The 641-page bill also addresses a range of issues related to agriculture, such as livestock disaster programs, conservation, feral swine, farm loan programs and broadband services in rural areas, just to name a few. The Senate is currently working on its own version of the Farm Bill.