Jackpot Leads to Semi-Self-Inflicted Arrest

An Ackley man has been arrested after winning a jackpot at the Isle after he placed himself on a banned list, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 43 year old Matthew Wessels enrolled in the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission’s self-exclusion program in January of 2023. People who self enroll do so in order to combat a gambling addiction. If those people are found in a casino they are to be removed immediately and their winnings are to be forfeited. Wessels visited the Isle on May 17th and won a jackpot. When he was filling out the paperwork to collect the prize he used another man’s name and social security number. That man later found out and alerted authorities. Wessels was arrested on Tuesday and charged with Forgery, Trespassing, and gambling charges. He was also charged with Possession of Methamphetamine With Intent to Deliver for an unrelated case where he allegedly hid a bag of meth in a police squad car.