Judge Keeps Charges Against Man Who Left Baby on Porch

A judge has refused to throw out a charge of Abandonment of a Dependent Person against a Waterloo man who allegedly stole a vehicle with a baby in the backseat and subsequently left the baby on a random porch, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. The attorney for 43 year old Roy Halverson asked the court to dismiss the charge arguing that Halverson did not know there was a baby inside the vehicle when he stole it. He also argued that the charge is meant for people who have custody of the dependent person and the mere control of a child is not custody. The judge denied the request noting that Halverson left the baby on a random farmhouse porch 12 miles away from where the vehicle was taken, in 40 degree weather, and without notifying anyone of the baby’s whereabouts. The baby was found when a resident just happened to step out to have a smoke. Halverson will face charges of second degree Theft and Abandonment of a Dependent Person when he goes to trial in October. He also has been charged with Violation of the Sex Offender Registry for allegedly moving without notifying authorities and Possession of Meth.