A Waterloo man has been arrested after purposefully crashing another persons vehicle and getting into a fight at the Black Hawk County Courthouse, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 28 year old Eric Lang was arrested on Monday and charged with second degree Criminal Mischief, Interference Causing Injury and two counts of fourth degree Criminal Mischief. He was also charged with third degree Burglary in an unrelated incident. Lang allegedly crashed another person’s Jeep Patriot into a metal pole on purpose, causing more than $1,500 in damage. He then went to the courthouse where he got into a fight. He struggled with deputies as they attempted to take him into custody, breaking the glass in a door and breaking the handle to a squad car. Back on January 15th Lang allegedly broke into a home on College Street and stole $160 in cash, shoes, and an Apple watch.