Man Left Young Children Alone

A Waterloo man has been arrested after leaving his two young children home alone and attempting to blame the children’s mother, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. On March 26th 31 year old Kevantae Reed called police after 2:00 a.m. to say he was at work and that the mother had left their 1 year old and 2 year old alone in their apartment. Police went to the apartment where they entered through a window. They found the children alone and in soiled diapers. They called the father back but he did not answer. The children were then placed in the care of the Iowa Department of Human Services. Police tracked Reed’s phone and determined that it was at a nearby apartment, and he was not at work as he claimed. Reed later admitted that he made the false report because he was upset with the mother. Reed was charged with two counts of Child Endangerment and for a Domestic Assault from an unrelated incident. In that case he allegedly assaulted the mother and broke her phone when she tried to call 911.