Primary Election Results

Primary elections were held in Iowa Tuesday. The lone contested race in Bremer County was for the Republican candidate for County Treasurer. Current Waverly Mayor Adam Hoffman narrowly defeated Angela Burrows 53% to 46%. In Butler County Wayne Allan Dralle won a tight race for County Board of Supervisors against Melaine Brandt and Bronz Helmke on the Republican side. Statewide Republican races looked like this: Charley Thomson won the nomination for State Representative in District 58 over Sean T. Galleger and Jim Wright, Todd Halbur just snuck by Mary Ann Hanusa for State Auditor 52% to 48%, and Chuck Grassley easily defeated Jim Carlin for US Senator. On the Democratic side Joel Miller knocked off Eric Van Lancker for the nomination for Secretary of State and in a surprise to some Michael Franken easily took the nomination for US Senator from Abby Finkenauer and Glenn Hurst with 55% of the vote.