RAGBRAI Will Stop in Cedar Falls

The RAGBRAI route has been announced and one of the overnight stops will be in Cedar Falls. That stop on the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa will be on Thursday, July 24th. On that night thousands of participants will visit the town. While most of the details still need to be worked out, the main entertainment will take place in the Cedar Falls Downtown District. Volunteers will be needed, those interested can register on the volunteer form at cedarfallsragbrai.com. Those looking to be a Housing Host, a homeowner who allows participants to stay in their home or on their lawn, can also register at cedarfallsragbrai.com. There will be a Steering Committee to lead the Cedar Falls stop made up of the city’s Tourism division, Community Main Street and community volunteers. The stop is also looking for sponsors to help pay for entertainment, shuttles, and signage. The eight stops on the route will be Orange City, Milford, Estherville, Forest City, Iowa Falls, Cedar Falls, Oelwein, and Guttenberg.