Sumner Woman Headed to Federal Prison

A Sumner woman has been sentenced to federal prison for attempting to hide an inheritance from her creditors, according to KIMT. 58 year old Debra Leisinger filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy on December 8th of 2022. She attempted to discharge over $65,000 in debts. She did this, however, while hiding a check for nearly $148,000, which she had received for an inheritance on December 1st of 2022. Once she deposited the check into her account on December 16th of 2022 her scheme was discovered. She waived her Chapter 7 discharge and her bankruptcy was dismissed. Her inheritance was utilized to repay her creditors and she was prosecuted federally. She was sentenced to two months in federal prison to be followed by two years of supervised release and she must also pay $5,000 to her court-appointed attorneys.