The University of Northern Iowa announced changes Wednesday to the fall semester, including an early return to campus as well as modifications to classrooms and other spaces to enable safe social distancing.In an email to campus earlier today, President Mark A. Nook said the semester will begin one week earlier, a move many colleges and universities have made to provide scheduling flexibility during the winter flu season. “These changes will give us the opportunity to further protect our campus community while still holding a full semester of on-campus teaching and learning activities,” Nook said.Classes this fall will be a mix of face-to-face, hybrid and online instruction. UNI will also reduce the number of students in each classroom, where both students and professors will be expected to wear cloth face coverings. The fall semester classes will run from Aug. 17 to Nov. 20. Classes will be held on Labor Day. Final exams will be held Nov. 21-25. No exams will occur on Nov. 22. Study abroad opportunities through UNI have been postponed through January of 2021. Other learning experiences such as student teaching and internships will continue as planned, observing the protocols and procedures of those partner organizations and schools.Cleaning and sanitation practices have been enhanced in all areas of campus to maintain safe educational, living and work spaces.Residence halls and dining centers will remain open with reconfigured spaces to keep students living on campus safe. Full details will be provided when available on the Department of Residence website.