Waterloo Man Accused of Arson

A Waterloo man has been arrested for trying to set the apartment he was moving out of on fire over the weekend, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 36 year old Kyle O’Donnell was in the process of moving out of an apartment at 219 Park View Blvd on Saturday. Around 10:40 p.m. police were called in regard to a disturbance. When they arrived on scene they found a pink Nike backpack and pot holders on fire and placed on a clear liquid on the kitchen, dining room, and living room floors. The liquid was not identified but was believed to be flammable. The fire, however, had burned out without spreading. No injuries were reported. Nobody was in the apartment at the time but people were home in the adjacent apartment. O’Donnell was charged with first degree Arson, third degree Burglary, and third degree Criminal Mischief.