Woman Sues Waverly Shelter

A former Waterloo woman has filed a lawsuit against a Waverly shelter, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. The woman, who has since moved to Kansas City, was staying at the Friends of the Family shelter for those who are escaping domestic abuse, are homeless or have been sexually assaulted in 2021 with her two children. During that time staff noticed another resident, then 20 year old Joshuah Hoskins, was exhibiting inappropriate grooming behavior with the woman’s 14 year old daughter. Staff told the mother but took no further action. One night the girl got up to use the restroom and ran into Hoskins who invited her back to his bed where they had sexual contact. Just prior to this incident Hoskins had been caught having sex with a 13 year old girl in Waterloo. He is currently being held in the Newton Correctional Facility on a 10 year sentence. The lawsuit alleges Friends of the Family was negligent in screening incoming residents and did not adequately segregate men from women and children. The woman also claims they tried to convince her not to call police because they were not allowed at the shelter. She is suing for medical expenses, pain and suffering and loss of consortium.