Area Girls Make All-State Team

Several Area Girls made the Iowa Girls Coaches Association All State Softball Teams. In 1A: Kori Wedeking of Clarksville made the 1st team; on 2nd team was Cheyenne Behrends of Clarksville, Ashley Grapp of Don Bosco and Grace Hovenga of Janesville; on the 3rd team was Ainsley Lovrien of Clarksville.

In 2A: on the 2nd team was Marissa Stock of Denver and Taylor Kvale of Dike-New Hartford.

In Class 3A: on 1st team was Taylor Hogan and Alivia Schultz of Columbus; on 2nd team was Kayla Sproul of Columbus.

In 4A Molly McNally of Waverly-Shell Rock made the 3rd team