Wednesday night on KWAY Country the Go-Hawk lost their second in a row to a WaMac foe as Benton Community won 4-2.
Wednesday night on Y99.3 the Cedar Falls Tigers ran by Waverly-Shell Rock 11-0 on the softball diamond.
Wednesday night in area softball: Janesville edged Columbus 5-4, Wapsie Valley got by Aplington-Parkersburg 16-9, Denver beat Dike-New Hartford 7-4, Sumner-Fredericksburg topped Kee 5-2, Clarksville crushed Janesville 14-0 and North Butler ran by Osage 11-1.
Wednesday night in high school baseball: Dike-New Hartford topped Denver 6-2 in 8 innings, Janesville beat Clarksville 12-6, Don Bosco crushed Riceville 10-0, St. Ansgar beat Nashua-Plainfield 7-4 and Osage blanked North Butler 13-0.