A rural Cedar Falls man has been arrested after 800 pigs in his care died, according to the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier. 38 year old Nolan Dewall has been charged with one count of livestock neglect. He was hired to raise 2,500 baby pigs until they reached around 280 pounds. The animals were delivered to Dewall in late December along with 15 tons of feed. By December 30th 800 were dead. An investigation found that the animals did not have ready access to water and some did not have access to food. Temperatures inside the barns were found to be under 50 degrees when freshly weened hogs need temperatures over 80 to survive. Some of the pigs also had their ears frozen off. Authorities moved the remaining pigs to another facility, however 51 died in the move and a further 60 died in the following days.