Construction in Waverly Affects Part of Bike Trail

Next Monday, March 26 starts the DOT Bremer Avenue Reconstruction Project.  As a result, starting Tuesday, March 27, Bremer Avenue will be closed to crossing traffic except for 1st Street NE and SE and 9th Street SE.  Trail users will not be able to cross Bremer Avenue at the trail crossing by Sub City/ Kwik Star during this time. To access the trail head area, trail people will need to go on 1st Ave SE from the previously mentioned crossing points. This will probably be happening until around Labor Day.

In addition, the Cedar River Parkway will begin construction very soon.  This will close the trail down between the 12th Street SE underpass and the at-grade crossing at 30th Street SE.  In order to access the trail, users can ride on the sidewalk on Bremer Avenue to 30th Street SE and accessing the trail there to go east.  At this time there is not any vehicular parking along 30th Street SE so it is not recommended to park a vehicle to access the trail . The overpass over the trail is the first step that will be completed in the Cedar River Parkway Project so it should be done this summer.