Wartburg 17th in Learfield Cup Rankings

Wartburg College is ranked 17th in the final standings of the Learfield Directors’ Cup for NCAA Division III. There are 450 schools that compete in NCAA Division III.

The Knights have finished in the Top 25 in 20 of the last 22 years and have finished as high as 7th in 2002-03.

The Knights earned 707.5 points: 90 points for men’s wrestling, 83 points for football and women’s basketball, 75 points for men’s cross country, women’s outdoor track and field, and men’s outdoor track and field, 70.5 points for women’s indoor track and field, 61.5 points for women’s cross country, 44.5 points for men’s indoor track and field, and 25 points for men’s soccer and softball.

Johns Hopkins won the Directors’ Cup with 1,090.5 points.