Wartburg Addresses COVID-19 Outbreak

Wartburg College has reported 17 positive or inconclusive COVID-19 tests on campus. Many asked how many of those tests are positive. Wartburg Dean of Students Dan Kittle shares the answer.

Kittle says positive tests on campus will be counted as Bremer County tests even if students are originally from somewhere else.

As of Friday 18 students are in isolation and 12 are in quarantine with 17 positive tests.

Kittle estimates a couple hundred students, mostly international, are currently on campus. Freshmen will move in on August 22nd and we asked how students will be socially distancing in a dormitory setting.

Kittle says the college will use the criteria of positive test rates, PPE availability, employee absenteeism and directives from the government when making decisions about any possible changes during the school year.

You can hear the entire interview below.