Waterloo Crime Stats

Waterloo Police have released their crime statistics from 2018 and how they compare with that of 2017. Overall, the two years were fairly similar as far as the amount of crime with a very slight drop in 2018. The most serious crimes are referred to as Group A offenses. Those actually rose slightly in 2018 with the most common offense being Drug Violations. There were 973 in 2018. Murder in Waterloo stayed the same from a year ago with both years seeing 6 murders a piece. The statistics also breakdown who was arrested. Adult males were arrested more than double anybody else, however that number dropped by more than 10% from 2017. Adult females arrested went up in 2018 by more than 7%. That trend stayed true with juveniles as more males were arrested but total number was less than in 2017, this time by more than 16%, and the number of juvenile females arrested rose, but only by 5 total arrests. You can find the full stats on the Waterloo Police Department website.